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Diseases and Condition - How to Cure them
In ayurvedic context a disease can be defined as the state in which the balance of the three Doshas (energy types) in the human body is disturbed. The three doshas; vata, pitta and kapha are found in every human being, out of which only one or two are believed to b dominant.
The imbalance in these doshas caused because of the weather, stress, unhealthy diet or anything for that matter is defined as disease in ayurvedic terms.
Diseases Treatment:
The reasons behind the disease are worked upon by the ayurvedic practitioner to search for their respective remedies. A very few basic steps are followed by the ayurvedic practitioner to cure any kind of a disease. They are:
- The history of illness is studied, providing some general overview about the disease.
- Examining the patient: This involves two steps:
- General examination or the Ashta Vidha Pariksha involving examinations of pulse, tongue, urine, stools, etc.
- Systematic Examination involving the examination of the digestive system, respiratory system, heart and circulation system, etc.
To know more about the procedure of diagnosis click here.
Ayurveda follows a multidisciplinary approach towards the treatment of the diseases. Some of the general methods of treatment undertaken in ayurveda are:
- Palliative treatment: this method involves reducing the doshas. It involves treatments like Sneha Karma, Sweda Karma, Exercises, exposure to sun, etc.
- Purification treatment: This part of the treatment involves the removal of the toxins and doshas from the body. This is done by five methods called the Panchkarma, they are:
- Vamana or Induced Vomiting.
- Virechana Or induced Purgation.
To know more about the panchkarma technique, follow this link.
- Other forms of ayurvedic treatment involve fasting, urine therapy, fish therapy, etc.
To know in detail about various diseases and ailments and their ayurvedic treatments, click on the links given on the left side of the page.